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* FreeRTOS-Cpp
* Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Enz. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "semphr.h"
namespace FreeRTOS {
* @class MutexBase Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Base class that provides the standard mutex interface to
* FreeRTOS::Mutex, FreeRTOS::StaticMutex, FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex, and
* FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex.
* @note This class is not intended to be instantiated by the user. Use
* FreeRTOS::Mutex, FreeRTOS::StaticMutex, FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex, and
* FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex.
class MutexBase {
friend class Mutex;
friend class StaticMutex;
friend class RecursiveMutexBase;
friend class RecursiveMutex;
friend class StaticRecursiveMutex;
MutexBase(const MutexBase&) = delete;
MutexBase& operator=(const MutexBase&) = delete;
static void* operator new(size_t, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
static void* operator new[](size_t, void* ptr) { return ptr; }
static void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
static void* operator new[](size_t) = delete;
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that checks if the underlying semaphore handle is not NULL.
* This should be used to ensure a semaphore has been created correctly.
* @retval true the handle is not NULL.
* @retval false the handle is NULL.
inline bool isValid() const { return (handle != NULL); }
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreTake( SemaphoreHandle_t
* xSemaphore, TickType_t xTicksToWait )</tt>
* @see <>
* @param ticksToWait The time in ticks to wait for the mutex to become
* available. The macro portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert this to a
* real time. A block time of zero can be used to poll the mutex.
* @retval true If the mutex was locked.
* @retval false If ticksToWait expired without the mutex becoming available.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/lock.cpp
inline bool lock(const TickType_t ticksToWait = portMAX_DELAY) const {
return (xSemaphoreTake(handle, ticksToWait) == pdTRUE);
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreTakeFromISR ( SemaphoreHandle_t
* xSemaphore, signed BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )</tt>
* @see <>
* @param higherPriorityTaskWoken It is possible (although unlikely, and
* dependent on the semaphore type) that a mutex will have one or more tasks
* blocked on it waiting to give the mutex. Calling lockFromISR() will make a
* task that was blocked waiting to give the mutex leave the Blocked state. If
* calling the API function causes a task to leave the Blocked state, and the
* unblocked task has a priority equal to or higher than the currently
* executing task (the task that was interrupted), then, internally, the API
* function will set higherPriorityTaskWoken to true.
* @return true If the mutex was successfully locked.
* @return false If the mutex was not successfully locked because it was not
* available.
inline bool lockFromISR(bool& higherPriorityTaskWoken) const {
BaseType_t taskWoken = pdFALSE;
bool result = (xSemaphoreTakeFromISR(handle, &taskWoken) == pdTRUE);
if (taskWoken == pdTRUE) {
higherPriorityTaskWoken = true;
return result;
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreTakeFromISR ( SemaphoreHandle_t
* xSemaphore, signed BaseType_t *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken )</tt>
* @see <>
* @overload
inline bool lockFromISR() const {
return (xSemaphoreTakeFromISR(handle, NULL) == pdTRUE);
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreGive( SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore
* )</tt>
* @see <>
* @warning This must not be used from an ISR.
* @return true If the mutex was unlocked.
* @return false If an error occurred. Mutexes (semaphores) are implemented
* using queues. An error can occur if there is no space on the queue to post
* a message indicating that the mutex was not first locked correctly.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/unlock.cpp
inline bool unlock() const { return (xSemaphoreGive(handle) == pdTRUE); }
MutexBase() = default;
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Destroy the MutexBase object by calling <tt>void vSemaphoreDelete(
* SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore )</tt>
* @see <>
* @note Do not delete a mutex that has tasks blocked on it (tasks that are in
* the Blocked state waiting for the mutex to become available).
~MutexBase() { vSemaphoreDelete(this->handle); }
MutexBase(MutexBase&&) noexcept = default;
MutexBase& operator=(MutexBase&&) noexcept = default;
* @brief Handle used to refer to the semaphore when using the FreeRTOS
* interface.
SemaphoreHandle_t handle = NULL;
* @class RecursiveMutexBase Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Base class that provides the recursive mutex interface to
* FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex and FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex. This class
* exists to override the lock() and unlock() functions which require different
* underlying functions from what is used in FreeRTOS::MutexBase.
* @note This class is not intended to be instantiated by the user. Use
* FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex or FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex.
class RecursiveMutexBase : public MutexBase {
friend class RecursiveMutex;
friend class StaticRecursiveMutex;
RecursiveMutexBase(const RecursiveMutexBase&) = delete;
RecursiveMutexBase& operator=(const RecursiveMutexBase&) = delete;
static void* operator new(size_t, void*);
static void* operator new[](size_t, void*);
static void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
static void* operator new[](size_t) = delete;
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( SemaphoreHandle_t
* xMutex, TickType_t xTicksToWait )</tt>
* @see <>
* @param ticksToWait The time in ticks to wait for the mutex to become
* available. The macro portTICK_PERIOD_MS can be used to convert this to a
* real time. A block time of zero can be used to poll the mutex. If the task
* already owns the mutex then take() will return immediately no matter what
* the value of ticksToWait.
* @retval true If the mutex was locked.
* @retval false If ticksToWait expired without the mutex becoming available.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/recursiveLock.cpp
inline bool lock(const TickType_t ticksToWait = portMAX_DELAY) const {
return (xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(handle, ticksToWait) == pdTRUE);
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Function that calls <tt>xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( SemaphoreHandle_t
* xSemaphore )</tt>
* @see <>
* A mutex used recursively can be locked repeatedly by the owner. The mutex
* doesn't become available again until the owner has called unlock() for each
* successful lock request. For example, if a task successfully locks the
* same mutex 5 times then the mutex will not be available to any other task
* until it has also unlocked the mutex back exactly five times.
* @return true If the mutex was unlocked.
* @return false Otherwise.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/recursiveLock.cpp
inline bool unlock() const {
return (xSemaphoreGiveRecursive(handle) == pdTRUE);
RecursiveMutexBase() = default;
~RecursiveMutexBase() = default;
RecursiveMutexBase(RecursiveMutexBase&&) noexcept = default;
RecursiveMutexBase& operator=(RecursiveMutexBase&&) noexcept = default;
* @class Mutex Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Class that encapsulates the functionality of a FreeRTOS mutex.
* Each mutex require a small amount of RAM that is used to hold the mutex's
* state. If a mutex is created using FreeRTOS::Mutex then the required RAM is
* automatically allocated from the FreeRTOS heap. If a mutex is created using
* FreeRTOS::StaticMutex then the RAM is provided by the application writer and
* allows the RAM to be statically allocated at compile time. See the Static Vs
* Dynamic allocation page for more information.
* Mutexes and binary semaphores are very similar but have some subtle
* differences: Mutexes include a priority inheritance mechanism, binary
* semaphores do not. This makes binary semaphores the better choice for
* implementing synchronisation (between tasks or between tasks and an
* interrupt), and mutexes the better choice for implementing simple mutual
* exclusion.
* The priority of a task that locks a mutex will be temporarily raised if
* another task of higher priority attempts to obtain the same mutex. The task
* that owns the mutex 'inherits' the priority of the task attempting to lock
* the same mutex. This means the mutex must always be unlocked back otherwise
* the higher priority task will never be able to lock the mutex, and the lower
* priority task will never 'disinherit' the priority.
class Mutex : public MutexBase {
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Construct a new Mutex object by calling <tt>SemaphoreHandle_t
* xSemaphoreCreateMutex( void )</tt>
* @see <>
* @warning The user should call isValid() on this object to verify that the
* mutex was created successfully in case the memory required to create the
* queue could not be allocated.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/mutex.cpp
Mutex() { this->handle = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); }
~Mutex() = default;
Mutex(const Mutex&) = delete;
Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&) = delete;
Mutex(Mutex&&) noexcept = default;
Mutex& operator=(Mutex&&) noexcept = default;
* @class RecursiveMutex Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Class that encapsulates the functionality of a FreeRTOS recursive
* mutex.
* Each recursive mutex require a small amount of RAM that is used to hold the
* recursive mutex's state. If a mutex is created using FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex
* then the required RAM is automatically allocated from the FreeRTOS heap. If a
* recursive mutex is created using FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex then the RAM
* is provided by the application writer, which requires an additional
* parameter, but allows the RAM to be statically allocated at compile time. See
* the Static Vs Dynamic allocation page for more information.
* Contrary to non-recursive mutexes, a task can lock a recursive mutex multiple
* times, and the recursive mutex will only be returned after the holding task
* has unlocked the mutex the same number of times it locked the mutex.
* Like non-recursive mutexes, recursive mutexes implement a priority
* inheritance algorithm. The priority of a task that locks a mutex will be
* temporarily raised if another task of higher priority attempts to obtain the
* same mutex. The task that owns the mutex 'inherits' the priority of the task
* attempting to lock the same mutex. This means the mutex must always be
* unlocked otherwise the higher priority task will never be able to obtain the
* mutex, and the lower priority task will never 'disinherit' the priority.
class RecursiveMutex : public RecursiveMutexBase {
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Construct a new RecursiveMutex object by calling
* <tt>SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex( void )</tt>
* @see <>
* @warning The user should call isValid() on this object to verify that the
* recursive mutex was created successfully in case the memory required to
* create the queue could not be allocated.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/recursiveMutex.cpp
RecursiveMutex() { this->handle = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(); }
~RecursiveMutex() = default;
RecursiveMutex(const RecursiveMutex&) = delete;
RecursiveMutex& operator=(const RecursiveMutex&) = delete;
RecursiveMutex(RecursiveMutex&&) noexcept = default;
RecursiveMutex& operator=(RecursiveMutex&&) noexcept = default;
* @class StaticMutex Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Class that encapsulates the functionality of a FreeRTOS mutex.
* Each mutex require a small amount of RAM that is used to hold the mutex's
* state. If a mutex is created using FreeRTOS::Mutex then the required RAM is
* automatically allocated from the FreeRTOS heap. If a mutex is created using
* FreeRTOS::StaticMutex then the RAM is provided by the application writer and
* allows the RAM to be statically allocated at compile time. See the Static Vs
* Dynamic allocation page for more information.
* Mutexes and binary semaphores are very similar but have some subtle
* differences: Mutexes include a priority inheritance mechanism, binary
* semaphores do not. This makes binary semaphores the better choice for
* implementing synchronisation (between tasks or between tasks and an
* interrupt), and mutexes the better choice for implementing simple mutual
* exclusion.
* The priority of a task that locks a mutex will be temporarily raised if
* another task of higher priority attempts to obtain the same mutex. The task
* that owns the mutex 'inherits' the priority of the task attempting to lock
* the same mutex. This means the mutex must always be unlocked back otherwise
* the higher priority task will never be able to lock the mutex, and the lower
* priority task will never 'disinherit' the priority.
class StaticMutex : public MutexBase {
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Construct a new StaticMutex object by calling
* <tt>SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( StaticSemaphore_t
* *pxMutexBuffer )</tt>
* @see <>
* @warning This class contains the storage buffer for the mutex, so the user
* should create this object as a global object or with the static storage
* specifier so that the object instance is not on the stack.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/staticMutex.cpp
StaticMutex() { this->handle = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&staticMutex); }
~StaticMutex() = default;
StaticMutex(const StaticMutex&) = delete;
StaticMutex& operator=(const StaticMutex&) = delete;
StaticMutex(StaticMutex&&) noexcept = default;
StaticMutex& operator=(StaticMutex&&) noexcept = default;
StaticSemaphore_t staticMutex;
* @class StaticRecursiveMutex Mutex.hpp <FreeRTOS/Mutex.hpp>
* @brief Class that encapsulates the functionality of a FreeRTOS recursive
* mutex.
* Each recursive mutex require a small amount of RAM that is used to hold the
* recursive mutex's state. If a mutex is created using FreeRTOS::RecursiveMutex
* then the required RAM is automatically allocated from the FreeRTOS heap. If a
* recursive mutex is created using FreeRTOS::StaticRecursiveMutex then the RAM
* is provided by the application writer, which requires an additional
* parameter, but allows the RAM to be statically allocated at compile time. See
* the Static Vs Dynamic allocation page for more information.
* Contrary to non-recursive mutexes, a task can lock a recursive mutex multiple
* times, and the recursive mutex will only be returned after the holding task
* has unlocked the mutex the same number of times it locked the mutex.
* Like non-recursive mutexes, recursive mutexes implement a priority
* inheritance algorithm. The priority of a task that locks a mutex will be
* temporarily raised if another task of higher priority attempts to obtain the
* same mutex. The task that owns the mutex 'inherits' the priority of the task
* attempting to lock the same mutex. This means the mutex must always be
* unlocked otherwise the higher priority task will never be able to obtain the
* mutex, and the lower priority task will never 'disinherit' the priority.
class StaticRecursiveMutex : public RecursiveMutexBase {
* Mutex.hpp
* @brief Construct a new StaticRecursiveMutex object by calling
* <tt>SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic(
* StaticSemaphore_t *pxMutexBuffer )</tt>
* @see <>
* @warning This class contains the storage buffer for the recursive mutex, so
* the user should create this object as a global object or with the static
* storage specifier so that the object instance is not on the stack.
* <b>Example Usage</b>
* @include Mutex/staticRecursiveMutex.cpp
StaticRecursiveMutex() {
this->handle = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic(&staticRecursiveMutex);
~StaticRecursiveMutex() = default;
StaticRecursiveMutex(const StaticRecursiveMutex&) = delete;
StaticRecursiveMutex& operator=(const StaticRecursiveMutex&) = delete;
StaticRecursiveMutex(StaticRecursiveMutex&&) noexcept = default;
StaticRecursiveMutex& operator=(StaticRecursiveMutex&&) noexcept = default;
StaticSemaphore_t staticRecursiveMutex;
} // namespace FreeRTOS